Iščemo hišo / We are looking for a house

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===== English version will be below =====

Dragi prijatelji Dharmalinga,

Iščemo preprosto hišo za najem v Ljubljani, kamor bi lahko preselili naš budistični center. Potrebovali bi prostor, dovolj velik za Tempelj (najboljše okrog 35 – 40 m2, lahko tudi manjši), nekaj majhnega bivalnega prostora in kuhinjo, prostor za shrambo, Darma „shop“,... Hiša bi morala biti samostojna, v čim bolj mirni okolici, dostopna z ubljanskim mestnim potniškim prometom, vendar ne predaleč izven mesta.
Želimo ohranjati Budova učenja in prakse, kot so umirjanje uma, Sočutje in Modrost, ki jih je naš nadvse prijazni Lama Shenpen Rinpoče mnogo let tako velikodušno delil z nami. Imamo veliko srečo, da lahko nadaljujemo z našimi aktivnostmi pod njegovim modrim Vodstvom.
Če imate kakršno koli možnost, idejo ali stik, ki bi nam pomagal najti primerno hišo, nas prosimo kontaktirajte.

Telefon: 040 125 512
E-mail: slovenia@dharmaling.org

Pisarna Dharmalinga
Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling
E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org
Spletna Stran: http://www.dharmaling.org

Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani.

==================== ENGLISH VERSION ====================

Dear friends of Dharmaling,

We are looking for a simple house in Ljubljana to rent, to which we could move our Buddhist centre. It would need a room big enough for the Temple (the best would be around 35 - 40 m2, but smaller is ok too), some small living premise and a kitchen, room for storage, the Dharma „shop“... The house should be an individual house, in an area as peaceful as possible, within the Ljubljana city bus lines, but not too far outside.
We wish to preserve the Buddha's teachings and practices of mental quietness, Compassion and Wisdom that our most kind Lama Shenpen Rinpoche has so generously shared with us for many years. We are very fortunate to continue with our activities under His Guidance and Wisdom.
If you have any means, ideas or connections that would help us find a suitable house, please do contact us.

Phone: +386 40 125 512
E-mail: slovenia@dharmaling.org

Thank you.
Dharmaling Office

Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling
E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org
Web Site: http://www.dharmaling.org

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