Rinpočejevo zdravstveno stanje / Rinpoche's health situation

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===== English version will be below =====

Dragi Darma prijatelji,

upamo, da ste dobro in da ste se imeli med zadnjimi prazniki priložnost spočiti in tako uspešno začeti nov teden.

S tem pismom bi vas radi obvestili o zdravstvenem stanju našega dragocenega Učitelja, Lame Shenpena Rinpočeja. Kot verjetno veste, je imel Rinpoče januarja tri srčne napade. Po pregledih je začel jemati zdravila, s katerimi bi se lahko odpravile težave s srcem, vendar zdravila niso bila tako učinkovita, kot smo upali. Rinpoče je imel tudi po jemanju predpisanih zdravil še nekaj blagih srčnih napadov.

Januarja je 100 menihov iz Samostanske univerze Sera Jey izvedlo več praks za Rinpočeja. Glede zdravstvenega stanja Rinpočeja smo prosili za nasvet Khenchen Rinpočeja in nekatere druge Visoke Lame. Vsi so se strinjali, da je Rinpočejevo zdravstveno stanje zelo resno; predlagali so, da se posvetimo določenim praksam za odstranitev ovir za Rinpočejevo zdravje in Darma aktivnosti:
1. Sadana Medicinskega Bude (v čim večjem številu)
2. 100.000 Darani Bude Amitajusa
3. 1.000.000 recitacij molitve za dolgo življenje Shenpena Rinpočeja ali praks za dolgo življenje (Bela Tara, Amitajus)
4. prakse osvoboditve živali, toliko kolikor let je star Rinpoče (46)
5. recitacija Kangjurja
6. postavitev Kalačakra stupe

Zaradi nepredvidenih težav v Rinpočejevem življenju je Khenchen Rinpoče napisal molitev za dolgo življenje Shenpena Rinpočeja, ki jo lahko recitira kdorkoli, za to ni potrebno biti budist; zelo koristi, če jo recitirate tudi kot Rinpočejev pacient. Prakse najdete na spletni strani Dharmalinga pod DOWNLOADS http://dharmaling.org/en/downloads/category/2-practices

Nastopil je čas, ko lahko namesto tega, da Rinpočeja prosimo za pomoč, mi pomagamo Njemu. Prijazno naslavljamo vse, ki vam je Rinpoče kadarkoli pomagal s svojo prijazno velikodušnostjo, in vas prosimo, da Ga ohranite v svojem sočutnem srcu. Če ste se kadarkoli šteli za učenca ali učenko Rinpočeja, se lahko pridružite zbiranju praks, naštetih zgoraj.

Upamo, da bo 1.000.000 molitev za dolgo življenje skupaj z drugimi praksami čim prej zbranih in da se zdravje Rinpočeja stabilizira in ostane čvrsto dolgo časa. Da bi lahko sledili zbiranju praks, smo ustvarili e-naslov, na katerega, lepo prosimo, pošiljajte število praks, ki jih boste opravili: practices_rinpoche@dharmaling.org

Kot verjetno že veste, v našem centru vsako soboto organiziramo posebne prakse, ki jih darujemo Rinpočeju. Tudi prakse osvoboditve živali se bodo kmalu ponovno začele, saj vreme zdaj to dopušča. Projekt postavitve stupe je potrebno še raziskati in poiskati investicijo; finančna sredstva so trenutno zelo omejena.

Visoki Lame obstajajo izključno, da bi koristili bitjem – njihov obstoj je odvisen od praktikantov in vzrokov, ki jih ti ustvarijo z zbiranjem zaslug. Iz Darma učenj je dobro znano, da je glavni razlog za ovire, ki jih izkušajo Visoki Mojstri, da učenci ne prakticirajo tistega, kar je Lama učil, ali kršijo Samajo z Gurujem.

Rinpoče nam daje Darma učenja že več kot 13 let in po zaslugi Njegovih modrih nasvetov in velikodušnega zdravljenja nas je več sto imelo možnost izboljšati svoje zdravstveno stanje ali življenjske razmere nasploh. Njegova učenja o Štirih plemenitih resnicah, Šestih popolnostih, o Osemčleni poti, Bodičiti in Pravi naravi resničnosti so navdihnila mnoge med nami, da hodimo po budistični Poti. Rinpočejeva navdihujoča učenja o umirjanju uma ali o ravnanju z motečimi čustvi pa so lahko koristna za kogarkoli, ne glede na versko prepričanje.
Tako vas vse iskreno prosimo, da pomagate pri zbiranju praks, kolikor je mogoče. Če bi imeli kakšno vprašanje, nas lahko pokličete na  040 125 512 ali pišete na slovenia@dharmaling.org
S toplimi pozdravi,
Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling

Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling
E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org
Spletna Stran: http://www.dharmaling.org

Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani.

==================== ENGLISH VERSION ====================

Dear Dharma friends,

We hope this letter finds you well and that you had the possibility to regenerate a little during the holidays.

With this letter we would like to inform and update you on the health condition of our precious Teacher, Lama Shenpen Rinpoche. As you might know, Rinpoche had three heart attacks in January. After the examination He started taking medicine to help resolve the heart problem, but the medicine has not been as efficient as it was hoped for. Even after taking the prescribed medication, Rinpoche has had a few milder heart attacks.

In January, 100 monks in Sera-Jhe Monastic University performed some practices for Rinpoche. We have consulted Khenchen Rinpoche and some other High Lamas regarding Rinpoche's health condition. They all agreed the matter of Rinpoche's health is quite serious and suggested that the following practices are accumulated to eliminate obstacles to Rinpoche's health and Dharma activities:
1. Medicine Buddha Sadhana, as much as possible,
2. 100.000 Long Life Dharanis (Amitayus Dharani),
3. 1.000.000 Long Life Prayer recitations or practices (White Tara, Amitayus)
4. practices of animals liberation according to the age of Rinpoche (46)
5. reciting the Kangyur,
6. building a Kalachakra Stupa.

For the unexpected difficulties in Rinpoche’s life, Khenchen Rinpoche wrote a long life prayer for Shenpen Rinpoche, which can be recited by everybody without being Buddhist, so even as Rinpoche’s patient, it  would be very beneficial. You can find the practices in the Downloads-Practices section of Dharmaling webpage

Now the time has come when we can help Rinpoche, instead of asking for His help. We kindly call upon all of you, who had ever benefited from Rinpoche’s kind generosity, to please keep Him in your compassionate heart. Therefore, if you have ever considered yourself Shenpen Rinpoche’s disciple, you can join in accumulating the practices listed above.

We hope that 1 million Long Life Prayer, and other suggested practices will be accumulated as soon as possible and Rinpoche’s health stabilizes and remains firm for a long time. In order to follow the accumulations of all the practices done, an email address has been created, to which we kindly ask you to periodically send the number of performed practices: practices_rinpoche@dharmaling.org

As you might know we are already organizing every Saturday special practices offered for Rinpoche and the animal liberation practices will again start soon, as the weather now permits. Regarding the Stupa project, it requires more investigation and financial investment which is very limited at the moment.

High Lamas do exist solely to benefit the beings - their existence depends on the practitioners, and the causes created by accumulating merits. It is well known from Dharma teachings that the main reason for a High Master to experience obstacles is when the disciples do not practice what has been taught by the Lama or by breaking Samaya with their Guru.

Rinpoche has been giving us Dharma Teachings for more than 13 years, and thanks to His wise advice and generous healing ability, hundreds of us could improve health or life conditions in general. His Teachings on the 4 Noble Truths, 6 Perfections, 8 Fold Path, Bodhicitta and the True Nature of Reality inspired many of us to walk on the Buddhist path. Rinpoche’s inspiring Teachings on pacifying the mind or handling disturbing emotions could become helpful principles for everybody beyond religious views.

Thus, we kindly request everyone to help in accumulating the practices as much as possible. Would you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at 040 125 512 or slovenia@dharmaling.org

Warmest regards, Dharmaling Congregation

Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling
E-mail: office @ dharmaling.org
Web Site: http://www.dharmaling.org

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