Praksa za Dan čudežev / Chotrul Duchen practice

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===== English version will be below =====

Dragi Darma prijatelji, lepo pozdravljeni!

Danes je prva polna luna v novem letu, to je praznik, ki mu pravimo Dan čudežev (Čotrul Dučen). Na današnji dan se karma pomnožuje 100 milijonkrat, zato je pomembno, da se posvečamo pozitivnim stvarem, in da zberemo čim več zaslug za dobrobit vseh čutečih bitij.
Danes smo v koledar našega centra dodali posebno prakso za Dan čudežev, ki se prične ob 19:15 in bo trajala predvidoma eno uro. Ta praksa je odprta za vse.
Za njo bo praksa Vadžrajogini, ki je dostopna tistim, ki imajo iniciacijo Vadžrajogini.  


Kontakt: 040 125 512

Z najboljšimi željami,
Dharmaling Slovenija
Budistična kongregacija Dharmaling
E-mail: office @
Spletna Stran:

Te novice ste prejeli, ker ste se nanje naročili. Kadar koli se lahko odjavite tako, da svoj e-naslov vnesete v obrazec za odjavo v desnem stolpcu na naši spletni strani.

==================== ENGLISH VERSION ====================

Dear Dharma friends, many greetings!

Today is the first full moon of the new year, called The Day of Miracles (Chotrul Duchen). Today, karma is multiplied 100 million times, therefore it is important to engage in positivity and collect as much merit as possible, for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Today we added a practice for the Day of Miracles into our Centre’s calendar. The practice begins at 19:15 and will most probably last for around one hour. It is open to all.
After it, there will be the practice of Vajrayogini which is open to those with the Vajrayogini initiation.


Contact: +386 (0)40 125 512.

All the best, Dharmaling Slovenia

Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling
E-mail: office @
Web Site:

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