Main Newsletter of Dharmaling's activities. In English and Slovene languages Go Reset Send Date Subject Created Date ID Asc Desc Čaj ob petih v petek / 5 o'clock tea on FridaySent on 26 May 2021Saka DawaSent on 24 May 2021Spremenjen čas praks! / Different hour for the practice sessions!Sent on 18 May 2021Prakse se zdaj začenjajo pozneje! / Practice sessions now start at a later time!Sent on 10 May 2021Dve učenji in dve praksi / Two teachings & two practice sessionsSent on 04 May 2021Tedenski program / Weekly programSent on 19 April 2021Dve učenji, tri prakse / Two teaching, three practice sessionsSent on 12 April 2021Dve učenji in dve praksi / Two teachings & two practice sessionsSent on 06 April 2021Tedenski program / Weekly programSent on 30 March 2021Tedenski program / Weekly programSent on 24 March 2021Tedenski program / Weekly programSent on 14 March 2021Dve učenji, tri prakse / Two teaching, three practice sessionsSent on 07 March 2021Dve učenji, tri prakse / Two teaching, three practice sessionsSent on 28 February 2021Dve učenji in dve praksi / Two teachings & two practice sessionsSent on 21 February 2021Dve učenji, tri prakse / Two teaching, three practice sessionsSent on 16 February 2021Losar in tri učenja! / Losar and three teachings!Sent on 08 February 2021Dve učenji in dve praksi / Two teachings & two practice sessionsSent on 01 February 2021Učenje v nedeljo in prakse / Teaching on Sunday and practicesSent on 25 January 2021Dve učenji, tri prakse / Two teaching, three practice sessionsSent on 17 January 2021Učenje v petek in v nedeljo, prakse / Teachings on Friday and Sunday, practice sessionsSent on 12 January 2021