Main Newsletter of Dharmaling's activities. In English and Slovene languages Go Reset Send Date Subject Created Date ID Asc Desc Dve učenji in redne prakse / Two teachings and regular practicesSent on 24 May 2020Učenje v nedeljo / Teaching on SundaySent on 22 May 2020Naš Center odpira svoja vrata / Our Center is reopening!Sent on 19 May 2020Danes / TodaySent on 17 May 2020Darma čaj ob petih / 5'o clock Dharma teaSent on 13 May 2020Še dve učenji ta teden / Two more teachings this weekSent on 12 May 2020Danes - Darma čaj ob petih / Today - 5'o clock Dharma teaSent on 11 May 2020Danes - Darma čaj ob petih / Today - 5'o clock Dharma teaSent on 07 May 2020Ta teden tri učenja / Three teachings this weekSent on 03 May 2020Dve učenji! / Two teachings!Sent on 29 April 2020Učenje danes - Darma čaj ob petih jutri / Teaching today - 5'o clock Dharma tea tomorrowSent on 26 April 2020Darma čaj ob petih / 5 o'clock Dharma teaSent on 19 April 2020Lama Čöpa in učenje / Lama Chöpa and TeachingSent on 15 April 2020Darma čaj ob petih / Dharma 5 o'clock teaSent on 15 April 2020Novo - Darma čaj ob petih / New - 5 o'clock Dharma teaSent on 13 April 2020Učenje / TeachingSent on 06 April 2020Lama Čöpa in učenje / Lama Chöpa and TeachingSent on 29 March 2020Učenje v nedeljo / Teaching on SundaySent on 25 March 2020Naš Center je zaprt / Our Centre is closedSent on 19 March 2020Dharmaling - tedenski program / weekly program 16.3.2020-22.3.2020Sent on 15 March 2020