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Program 2012

If not specified, teachings are by Lama Thubten Shenpen Rinpoche and place is Ljubljana, Melikova 1.
See other programs: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015


si - Ljubljana
06 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "New year, new beginning."- in English with Slovene translation.
si - Ljubljana
07 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation.
09 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "The Eightfold Path."
si - Ljubljana
20 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Steady practice, life changing result." - in English with Slovene translation.
si - Ljubljana
21 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
26 Thursday ● 14:00/18:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
27 Friday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
27 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 ="New year, new beginning." - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sziddhárta Közösségi Ház - Bojtorján terem 1062 Budapest Andrássy út 98. fsz (A Kodály körönd és a Bajza utca között)
28 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047



si- Ljubljana
03 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Accepting change in daily life."- in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
04 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation.

06 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Steady practice, life changing result."
si- Ljubljana
17 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Death, a new beginning. The practice of non attachement." - in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
18 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.

** Wednesday 22 February 2012 : Buddhist New Year 2139 - Water Dragon **
15:30/16:00 - Refuge ceremony
16:00/16:30 - Bodhisattva vows
16:30/17:30 - Practices & meditation, all Buddhists welcome, texts available (English/Slovene)
17:30/18:00 - Tea & cookies

 - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>

23 Thursday ● 14:00/18:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
24 Friday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
24 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 ="Steady practice, life changing result.." - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sziddhárta Közösségi Ház - Bojtorján terem 1062 Budapest Andrássy út 98. fsz (A Kodály körönd és a Bajza utca között)
25 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047



si- Ljubljana
09 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Mental quietness, the all in one solution to everyday's life issues."- in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
10 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation.

12 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Death, a new beginning. The practice of non attachement."
si- Ljubljana
23 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Listen, think and meditate." - in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
24 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>

30 Friday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
30 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 ="Death, a new beginning. The practice of non attachement." - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sziddhárta Közösségi Ház - Bojtorján terem 1062 Budapest Andrássy út 98. fsz (A Kodály körönd és a Bajza utca között)
31 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047



 - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation.

02 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Mental quietness, the all in one solution to everyday's life issues."
si- Ljubljana
06 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "The Jewels in the paws of the Dragon."- in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
07 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
si- Ljubljana
20 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Enhancing Awareness, a solution for future happiness." - in English with Slovene translation.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>

27 Friday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
27 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 ="Mental quietness, the all in one solution to everyday's life issues." - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sziddhárta Közösségi Ház - Bojtorján terem 1062 Budapest Andrássy út 98. fsz (A Kodály körönd és a Bajza utca között)
28 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047



si- Ljubljana
04 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Dealing with impermanence - preparing for change."- in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
05 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation.

07 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Listen, think and meditate."
si- Ljubljana
18 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Energy of body and mind." - in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
19 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>

25 Friday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
25 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 ="Listen, think and meditate." - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sziddhárta Közösségi Ház - Bojtorján terem 1062 Budapest Andrássy út 98. fsz (A Kodály körönd és a Bajza utca között)
26 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047



** Monday 4 June 2012 : Saka Dawa - Lord Buddha's Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana **
17:00/18:00 - Practices & meditation, all Buddhists welcome, texts available (English/Slovene)
18:00/19:00 - Tea & cookies





** Lamrim Retreat / Seminar with Trigane Rinpoche **
si- Ljubljana
21 Tuesday ● 16:00/19:30 = Lamrim teachings
22 Wednesday ● 10:00/12:00 = Meditation 16:00/19:30 = Lamrim teachings
23 Thursday ● 10:00/12:00 = Meditation 16:00/19:30 = Lamrim teachings
24 Friday ● 10:00/12:00 = Meditation 16:00/19:30 = Lamrim teachings
25 Saturday ● 10:00/12:00 = Lama Chöpa commentary 16:00/19:30 = Lamrim teachings
26 Sunday ● 10:00/12:00 = Lama Chöpa commentary 16:00/19:30 = Lamrim teachings
27 Monday ● 17:00/18:30 = Trigane Rinpoche: Black Manjushri Jenang
28 Tuesday ● 17:00/18:30 = Trigane Rinpoche: "The Benefit of Love and Compassion." - in Tibetan with English and Slovene translation
Slovenski etografski muzej (upravna hiša SEM), Metelkova 2, Ljubljana



** Sand Mandala of Green Tara **
si- Ljubljana
9 Tuesday - 18 Thursday Trigane Rinpoche will be making the sand mandala of Green Tara
Open: 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-19:00. Location: Greenhouse Tivoli (next to the Boathouse)
Rastlinjak Tivoli, Cesta 27. aprila 2, Ljubljana
si- Ljubljana
12 Friday ● 17:00/18:30 = Trigane Rinpoche: >"The Meaning of the Mandala." - in Tibetan with English and Slovene translation
Slovenski etografski muzej (upravna hiša SEM), Metelkova 2, Ljubljana
si- Ljubljana
14 Sunday ● 17:00/19:30 = Trigane Rinpoche: Green Tara Jenang / Disease purification ritual - in Tibetan with English and Slovene translation
si- Ljubljana
16 Tuesday ● 20:00/21:30 = "Concert of Tibetan ritual chanting and songs" - Trigane Rinpoche & Gonpo Kyab
Siti teater, dvorana Mercurius, BTC City, Ljubljana



si- Ljubljana
02 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = Videoteaching by Shenpen Rinpoche: "Understanding Karma."- in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
03 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Video: Questions/Answers with Shenpen Rinpoche - in English only.
si- Ljubljana
16 Friday - 18 Sunday Teachings by Lelung Rinpoche: "The Three Principal Aspects of the Path" - in English with Slovene translation.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>

30 Friday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Contact: 06 30 878 9047
30 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 =Teaching by Shenpen Rinpoche: "How to deal with ego" - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sziddhárta Közösségi Ház - Bojtorján terem 1062 Budapest Andrássy út 98. fsz (A Kodály körönd és a Bajza utca között)



si- Ljubljana
07 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = Videoteaching by Shenpen Rinpoche: "From self-cherishing to Compassion"- in English with Slovene translation.
si- Ljubljana
08 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Video: Questions/Answers with Shenpen Rinpoche - in English only.

*** Program in progress, visit us again soon ***

Usual schedule (which can change of course, so always look well at the above program):
The first Monday of each month: healing/teaching in Graz.
The first and third Fridays: teaching in Ljubljana, at 17:30
The first and third Saturdays: Questions/Answers are at 17:30
The last week-end of each month: often healing&teaching abroad.

Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday: practices in Ljubljana, at 18:00


Words of Wisdom

"What is born will die, what has been gathered will be dispersed, what has been accumulated will be exhausted, what has been built up will collapse, and what has been high will be brought low."
- Buddhist scripture

Copyright 2024  Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling