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Program 2009

If not specified, teachings are by Lama Thubten Shenpen Rinpoche and place is Ljubljana, Melikova 1.
See other programs: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015


si - Ljubljana

09 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Parting from the Four Attachments 1/2" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

10 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
si - Ljubljana - Place: Melikova 1, Ljubljana 
23 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Parting from the Four Attachments 2/2" - in English with Slovene translation.
si - Ljubljana - Place: Melikova 1, Ljubljana
24 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
02 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 4".

si - Ljubljana

06 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Six Words of Tilopa 1/2" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

07 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.

si - Ljubljana

20 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Six Words of Tilopa 2/2" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

21 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  -Budapest - Contact: 06-30-878-9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
27 Friday
● 13:00 - 17:30 - individual healing sessions and advises
● 19:00/20:30 = "Parting from the 4 attachments" - (Place: Shambala) - in English with Hungarian translation
28 Saturday
● 10:00-16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises
** Wednesday 25 February 2009 : Buddhist New Year 2136 - Earth Ox **
15:30/16:00 - Refuge ceremony 
16:00/16:30 - Genyen vows
16:30/17:00 - Bodhisattva vows 
17:30/18:30 - Practices & meditation, all Buddhists welcome, texts available (English/Slovene)
18:30/19:00 - Tea & cookies


  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
02 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 5".

si - Ljubljana

06 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Awareness, golden root for inner change towards Enlightenment" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

07 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.

si - Ljubljana

20 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Taming death, a way of life" - in English with Slovene translation

si - Ljubljana

28 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


si - Ljubljana

03 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Changing one's life by applying the Five Forces" 1 - in English with Slovene translation.
** Monday 06 to 26 of April 2009 - EXHIBITION **
We would like to inform you that there will be a three weeks exhibition at the City Museum of Ljubljana about the activities of our Congregation.
The opening will be done with Mr Jožef Škol? (State secretary of the Office of the prime Minister) the 6th of April at 18:00. 
The exhibition will be open from 7 to 26 April 2009 from Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 to 18:00. 
Opening will be followed by a buffet.

si - Ljubljana

17 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Making your life meaningful, a Buddhist perspective" - in English with Slovene translation. - Place: Mestni muzej - Gosposka 15, 1000 Ljubljana

si - Ljubljana

18 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Round table "Buddhism in everyday life" - in English with Slovene translation. - Place: Mestni muzej - Gosposka 15, 1000 Ljubljana
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
20 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 6".


si - Ljubljana

22 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Changing one's life by applying the Five Forces" 2 - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

23 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
01 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 7".

si - Ljubljana

05 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Ethical Engagement of Dharma in Our Society" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

06 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
si - Ljubljana 
07 Sunday - SAKA DAWA day! Commemoration of the Birth, Enlightenment, and passing away of Shakyamuni Buddha
* 04:30-05:10 = Mahayana Precepts; Ganden Lha Gya Ma; Praises to Tara
* 17:00-18:00 - Practices & meditation, all Buddhists welcome, texts available (English/Slovene)
* 18:00-19:00 - Tea & cookies 

si - Ljubljana

19 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "**Stepping on the Vajrayana Path. Causes, conditions, consequences" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

20 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


si - - 04-12  "Foundation MIR" organises a holiday camp for children aged 8/13 years. 
It is an International camp; based on Dharma principles. Main language: English - More...
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
13 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 8


si - Ljubljana

14 Friday 17:00-18:00 & 15 Saturday 10:00-12:00  Initiation of Heruka
Requieres to have taken Refuge since at least 3 years, and/or to get permission from your root Lama.
Committments: six seesions guru yoga per day, daily mantra recitation.
16 Sunday 10:00-12:00  Initiation of Vajra Yogini
Requires to have received earlier an initiation of the fourth tantric class, and to get permission from your root Lama. 
Committments: mantra, sadhana, retreat 400.000 mantras.
16 Sunday to 23 Sunday  Commentary of Vajra Yogini practice - 10:00-11:30 & 17:00-19:00
Requires to have received earlier the Initiation of Vajra Yogini.
Initiations and commentary given by Jhampa Shaneman


si - Ljubljana

04 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "The alchemy of the mind for transforming our life" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

05 Saturday ● 17:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers on Highest Tantra (Initiation required): 17:00-18:00 general Highest Tantra, 18:00-19:00 Vajra Yogini practice - in English only.

si - Ljubljana

12 Saturday ● 17:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers on Highest Tantra (Initiation required): 17:00-18:00 general Highest Tantra, 18:00-19:00 Vajra Yogini practice - in English only.

si - Ljubljana

18 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment" - in English with Slovene translation.
19 Saturday ● 17:30/19:00 = Vajra Yogini practice with explanation (Vajra Yogini Initiation required) - in English only.


si - Ljubljana

02 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "The Great Illusion" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

03 Saturday ● 17:30/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only. 
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
05 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 9".

si - Ljubljana

16 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "How to Meditate 1" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

17 Saturday ● 17:30/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only. 


si - Ljubljana

06 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "How to Meditate - 2" - in English with Slovene translation.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
09 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 10".

si - Ljubljana

20 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "The Mind Seeking Enlightenment for the sake of others 1/2" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

21 Saturday ● 17:30/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 -St Petersburg- Contact: spb @ dharmaling.org 
27 Friday to 30 Monday   Healings and Teachings - in English with Russian translation.


 si -- Ljubljana
04 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlighntenement - Part 1: The benefit of the Awakening Mind" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

05 Saturday ● 17:30/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only. 
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
14 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 11".
 si - Ljubljana
18 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlighntenement - Part 2 Confession." - in English with Slovene translation.
*** Program in progress, visit us again soon ***
Usual schedule (which can change of course, so always look well at the above program): 
The first Monday of each month: healing/teaching in Graz.
The first and third Fridays: teaching in Ljubljana, at 17:30 
The first and third Saturdays: Questions/Answers are at 17:30 
The last week-end of each month: often healing&teaching abroad. 
Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday: practices in Ljubljana, at 18:00


Words of Wisdom

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Copyright 2024  Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling