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Program 2007

If not specified, teachings are by Lama Thubten Shenpen Rinpoche and place is Ljubljana, Melikova 1.
See other programs: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015


*  Dharma practices: Calendar
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
08 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Motivation for the practice "

si - Ljubljana

19 Friday ● 17:00/18:00 = Opening of the new gompa to the public"- in English with Slovene translation.
19 Friday ● 18:00/18:30 = tea/cookies break 
19 Friday ● 18:30/19:00 = Ceremony of Refuge 

si - Ljubljana

20 Saturday ● 18:00/19:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06-30-258-92-42 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
26 Friday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30) 
27 Saturday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30) 
 Teaching: 19:30/21:00 = "37 practices of  Bodhisattva - VI " - Place: Buddhist College - in English with Hungarian translation.
 Ceremony: 21:00/22:00= "Refuge &  Genyen  Vows" - Place: Buddhist College - in English with Hungarian translation.
28 Sunday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30)
29 Monday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30)


si - Ljubljana

02 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = Teaching: "Motivation for the practice " - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

03 Saturday ● 18:00/19:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
05 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattvas - I ".

si - Ljubljana

16 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "8 verses of  Mind training - I " - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

17 Saturday ● 18:00/19:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
** Sunday 18 February 2007 : Buddhist New Year 2134 **
17:30/18:30 - Practices & meditation, all Buddhists welcome, text available (English/Slovene)
18:30/19:00 - Tea & cookies 

si - Ljubljana

23 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "8 verses of Mind Training - II " - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

24 Saturday ● 18:00/19:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


si - Ljubljana

02 Friday  Teaching: 17:30/19:00 = "8 verses of Mind Training - III " - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

03 Saturday ● 18:00/19:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
05 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - II ".

si - Ljubljana

16 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Practice of Offerings"- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

17 Saturday ● 18:00/19:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06-30-258-92-42 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
23 Friday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30)
 Teaching: 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - VII " - Place: Buddhist College - in English with Hungarian translation.
24 Saturday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30) 
25 Sunday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30)
26 Monday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:30)


* Dharma practices: Calendar
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
02 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - III ".

si - Ljubljana

06 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Heart  Sutra I"- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

07 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.

si - Ljubljana

20 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Heart Sutra II"- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

21 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


* Dharma practices: Calendar 

si - Ljubljana

03 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Heart Sutra III "- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

04 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
07 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - IV ".

si - Ljubljana

11 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Health class -1-"- in English only 

si - Ljubljana

18 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "How to deal with emotions"- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

19 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Bucharest - Contact: 0040722760212 or < romania @ dharmaling.org>
25 Friday  (private appointments)
26 Saturday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:00)
 Teaching: 18:00/19:30 = "4 Noble Truth " - Place: Nicolae Filipescu Street,nr.53-54, 1st floor, room 40- in English with Romanian translation.
27 Sunday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-13:00)
 Teaching: 16:00/17:30 = "Art and Spirituality " - Place: Carturesti Bookshop, Pictor Arthur Verona Street nr13 - in English with Romanian translation.
28 Monday  (appointments)

si - Ljubljana

31 Thursday  *Saka Dawa celebration* Commemoration of the Birth,   Enlightenment, and passing away of  Shakyamuni Buddha.
04:30  Mahayana precepts - Ganden Lha Gya Ma - Praises to Tara 
17:00 : introduction to "Saka Dawa", main prayers and recitation of Holy Texts.
18:00 : small reception (with invitation). The ceremony is open to all. Yet, due to the size of the rooms, only Dharmaling members and people with invitation might come to the small reception after it. 
19:00 : Refuge Ceremony
19:30 : Bodhisattva Vows
20:00 : Genyen Vows
(Timing might vary a little bit according to the number of participants to the ceremonies)


* Dharma practices: Calendar

si - Ljubljana

01 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Practice of  Bodhicitta in everyday life "- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

02 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
04 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - V ".

si - Ljubljana

08 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Health class -2- "- in English only 

si - Ljubljana

16 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Entering the  Vajrayana Path"- in English with Slovene translation. (Exceptionally, teaching is on Saturday!)


si - Ljubljana: Visit of Tulku Gyatso - in English with Slovene translation.
12 Thursday ● 16:00/18:00 = Teaching: " Guru devotion"
13 Friday ● 10:00/12:00 = CHENREZIG  Initiation (1)
16:00/18:00 = Commentary on the practice of Chenrezig
14 Saturday 10:00/12:00 = SANGYE MENLA Initiation (1)
16:00/18:00 = Commentary on the practice of Sangye Menla
15 Sunday 10:00/12:00 = Manjushri Initiation (1)
16:00/18:00 = Commentary on the practice of Manjushri
16 Monday 10:00/12:00 = Black Manjushri Initiation (2)
16:00/18:00 = Introduction to MAHAMUDRA
(1) for all Initiations, you should have taken Refuge. 
(2) for this Initiation, you should have taken Refuge since at least 3 years, and be regularly attending the practices of Dharmaling.

si - Ljubljana

20 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Explanation of the Medicine  Buddha's practice"- in English with Slovene translation
si - 22-29  "Dharmaling Foundation" organises a holiday camp for children aged 8/13 years. 
It is an International camp; based on Dharma principles. Main language: English - More...


si - Ljubljana

17-20  Seminar: "Peace &  Emptiness".
Registration from 1st of August - 40 participants max.


* Dharma practices: Calendar 
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
10 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - V".
si - Ljubljana - Place: Knjinica Otona upancica, Kersnikova 2
21 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "What is Buddhism? Philosophy, religion ... What is it's place in our society today" "- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

22 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Budapest - Contact: 06-70-70-166-72 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
28 Friday  (healings & appointments / 10:00-17:00)
29 Saturday  (healing & appointments / 10:00-15:00)
 Teaching: 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - VIII " - Place: **- in English with Hungarian translation.
30 Sunday  (healing / 10:00-17:00)
31 Monday  (appointments / 10:00-15:00)


si - Ljubljana

05 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Path to Happiness "- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

06 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
08 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - VI ".

si - Ljubljana

12 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Health class -3- "- in English only 
si - Trbovlje - Ulica 1. Junija 34 a 
15 Monday ● 18:00/20:30 = "Presentation of Buddhism".

si - Ljubljana

19 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Transcendence of oneself" - in English with Slovene translation.
si - Trbovlje - Ulica 1. Junija 34 a 
20 Saturday ● 18:00/20:30 = Symposium on religious tolerance. Inter-faith round table on "Peaceful Religious Europe". 
Organised by the European Foundation MOVIT NA MLADINA.


si - Ljubljana

02 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "**"- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

03 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
05 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - VIII ".

si - Ljubljana

09 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Health class -3- "- in English only 

si - Ljubljana

16 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "**"- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

17 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Vienna
24-25 Saturday/Sunday  Participation to symposium: 
"The Growth of Mankind and the Threat of its Vital Environment. World Religions facing New Challenges " .


  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
03 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "37 practices of Bodhisattva - IX ".

si - Ljubljana

07 Friday  (no teaching, as several members are going to the Teachings of His Holiness Dalaï- Lama in Milano). 

si - Ljubljana

08 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
 - Turkey 
12-15   Participation to International Brand Conference. Keynote speaker on thema: "Nature of the mind" .

si - Ljubljana

21 Friday ● 17:30/18:30 = "Lives after lives - Dying, the process, the perspective" - in English with Slovene translation

si - Ljubljana

22 Saturday ● 18:00/19:00 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
Usual schedule (which can change of course, so always look well at the above program): 
The first Monday of each month: healing/teaching in Graz.
The first and third Fridays: teaching in Ljubljana, at 17:30 
The first and third Saturdays: Questions/Answers are at 18:00
The second Fridays: Health class, at 17:30 (registration requiered) 
The last week-end of each month: healing/teaching in Hungary. 
Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday: practices in Ljubljana, at 18:00


Words of Wisdom

"In daily life be like a child of illusion."
- Lama Shenphen Rinpoche

Copyright 2024  Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling