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Program 2010


If not specified, teachings are by Lama Thubten Shenpen Rinpoche and place is Ljubljana, Melikova 1.

See other programs: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015


  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
11 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Four contemplations that change the mind" - Lecture by Ven. Gelong Lodrö

si - Ljubljana

22 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment - Part 3 - Full acceptance of the Awakening Mind."- in English with Slovene translation.
si - Ljubljana 
23 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
01 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 12".

si - Ljubljana

05 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment - Part 4 - Conscientiousness" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

06 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
** Sunday 14 February 2010 : Buddhist New Year 2137 - Iron Tiger **
15:30/16:00 - Refuge ceremony 
16:00/16:30 - Genyen vows
16:30/17:00 - Bodhisattva vows 
17:30/18:30 - Practices & meditation, all Buddhists welcome, texts available (English/Slovene)
18:30/19:00 - Tea & cookies

si - Ljubljana

19 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment - Part 5 - Guarding Alertness" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

20 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
26 Friday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Transforming Adversity into the Path of Awakening" - in English with Hungarian translation. 
Place: Sambhala Tibet Központ, 1012 Budapest, Attila út 123.
27 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Place: Akasha klub, Budapest, XIII. ker. Hollán E. u. 13-15. I.em. 3 ajtó


  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
01 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "7 points of mind training - 13".

si - Ljubljana

05 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment - Part 6 - Patience" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

06 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.

si - Ljubljana

19 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment - Part 7 - Enthusiasm"- in English with Slovene translation

si - Ljubljana

20 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.


si - Ljubljana

02 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment - Part 8 - Meditation" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

03 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
12 Monday ● 19:00/21:00 = "Questions/Answers"

si - Ljubljana

16 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Walking the Path to Enlightenment - Part 9 - Wisdom"- in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

17 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.

si - Ljubljana

23 Friday ● 18:00/19:30 = "Ethics in Daily life"- in English with Slovene translation. - Place: Hotel Slon - I. nadstropje - Klub 2 / Slovenska cesta 34 - 1000 Ljubljana 
  -  - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
30 Friday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Death, bardo and rebirth" - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sambhala Tibet Központ, Budapest 1012 Attila út 123 
01 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - Place: Akasha klub, Budapest, XIII. ker. Hollán E. u. 13-15. I.em. 3 ajtó


si - Ljubljana

07 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Kamalashila's Middle Stages of Meditation - Part 1" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

08 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
10 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones - Part 1" 

si - Ljubljana

14 Friday ● 18:00/19:30 = "The principal of immortality - Health and healing of body and mind in a modern society"- in English with Slovene translation. - Place: Hotel Slon - I. nadstropje - Klub 2 / Slovenska cesta 34 - 1000 Ljubljana 

si - Ljubljana

21 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Kamalashila's Middle Stages of Meditation - Part 2" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

22 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
** Thursday 27 May 2010 : Saka Dawa **
16:30/17:30 Practices & meditation, all Buddhists welcome, texts available (English/Slovene)
17:30/18:30 - Green Tara initiation - To attend this initiation it is necessary to have taken refuge. - in English with Slovene translation. 
18:30/19:00 Tea & cookies


si - Ljubljana
04 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Kamalashila's Middle Stages of Meditation - Part 3" - in English with Slovene translation.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
07 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones - Part 2"

si - Ljubljana

18 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Kamalashila's Middle Stages of Meditation - Part 4" - in English with Slovene translation.








si - Ljubljana
01 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Mind revolution" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

02 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
04 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "Mind revolution"

si - Ljubljana

15 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Compassion in action" - in English with Slovene translation.
  - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
22 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 = "Mind Revolution" - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sambhala Tibet Központ, Budapest 1012 Attila út 123 
23 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - 


si - Ljubljana

05 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Manifesting Death, Bardo and Rebirth in our everyday practice" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

06 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
08 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones - Part 3"

si - Ljubljana

19 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Mind and Mental Factors" - in English with Slovene translation.

si - Ljubljana

20 Saturday ● 17:30/18:30 = Questions/Answers - in English only.
si - Pedrovo nad Branikom - Ustvarjalno središče ABRAM
21 Sunday ● 15:00/16:30 = "Spiritual path and everyday life" - in English with Slovene translation.


si - Ljubljana

03 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Mind and Mental Factors - part 2" - in English with Slovene translation.
  - Graz - Drikung Graz, 8010 Hochsteingasse 6 - in English with German translation. 
06 Monday ● 19:00/20:30 = "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones - Part 4"
  - Budapest - Contact: 06 30 878 9047 or < hungary @ dharmaling.org>
10 Friday ● 19:30/21:00 = "Compassion in action" - in English with Hungarian translation. - Place: Sambhala Tibet Központ, Budapest 1012 Attila út 123 
11 Saturday ● 10:00/16:00 - individual healing sessions and advises - 

si - Ljubljana

17 Friday ● 17:30/19:00 = "Mind and Mental Factors - part 3" - in English with Slovene translation.
*** Program in progress, visit us again soon ***
Usual schedule (which can change of course, so always look well at the above program): 
The first Monday of each month: healing/teaching in Graz.
The first and third Fridays: teaching in Ljubljana, at 17:30 
The first and third Saturdays: Questions/Answers are at 17:30 
The last week-end of each month: often healing&teaching abroad. 
Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday: practices in Ljubljana, at 18:00


Words of Wisdom

"To be aware of a single shortcoming in oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in someone else."
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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