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Noble one

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Term Definition
Noble one
(tib.: phag pa) A Noble being, who has attained the third path, the path of seeing emptiness directly. Arya knows the true nature of all phenomena and is a true Sangha refuge. 
There are three types of Aryas: 
1. Hearer Arya (shravaka arya),
2. Solitary-realizer Arya (pratyekabuddha arya)
3. Arya Bodhisattva (bodhisattva arya).
Hearer Arya and Solitary-realizer Arya belong to Hinayana, whereas Arya Bodihsattvas belong to Mahayana because they have also realized Bodhichitta.


Words of Wisdom

"There is nothing whatsoever that does not grow easier with practice."
- Shantideva

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