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Five near immediate bad deeds

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Term Definition
Five near immediate bad deeds

(skt.: anantarya sabhagah; tib.: nye we tsam me nga) These five actions are similar to the five immediate bad deeds in that they cause rebirth in hell, but not necessarily in the immediately following life.

They are:
1. sexually violating ones mother who is also an arhati
2. killing a bodhisattva who is destined to be a buddha
3. killing an arya who has not yet reached the arhat stage
4. stealing the property of the Sangha
5. destroying a stupa


Words of Wisdom

"This world we see is a painting born from the brush of discursive thought, and within it or upon it nothing truly existent can be found. All things in samsara and nirvana are but mental labels and projections. Knowing this one knows reality; seeing this one sees most true."
- 2nd Dalai Lama

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