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Four opponent powers

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Term Definition
Four opponent powers
(tib.: tob shi) Four opponent powers are a method how to purify our negative karma which we have accumulated when acted in a negative way:
1. (tib.: nam par sun jin pe tob) the power of regret of a negative activity;
2. (tib.: ten gyi tob) the power of refuge - re-establishing of the right attitude;
3. (tib.: nye pa le lar dok pe tob) the power of resolution - decision not to repeat the negative action again;
4. (tib.: nyen po kun tu chu pe tob) the power of remedy - applying the antidotes, such as recitation of Sutras or Mantras, meditation on Emptiness, practice of Confession to the 35 Buddhas with prostrations, ...


Words of Wisdom

"There is nothing whatsoever that does not grow easier with practice."
- Shantideva

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