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Four opponent powers

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Term Definition
Four opponent powers
(tib.: tob shi) Four opponent powers are a method how to purify our negative karma which we have accumulated when acted in a negative way:
1. (tib.: nam par sun jin pe tob) the power of regret of a negative activity;
2. (tib.: ten gyi tob) the power of refuge - re-establishing of the right attitude;
3. (tib.: nye pa le lar dok pe tob) the power of resolution - decision not to repeat the negative action again;
4. (tib.: nyen po kun tu chu pe tob) the power of remedy - applying the antidotes, such as recitation of Sutras or Mantras, meditation on Emptiness, practice of Confession to the 35 Buddhas with prostrations, ...


Words of Wisdom

"My religion is kindness."
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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